In Tantrayana Buddhism, visualization,

recitation of mantras, and the two stages of creation and completion are essential to achieve any form of spiritual success. When reciting a mantra or invoking a deity, we should follow these steps:

    Taking Refuge: Begin by taking refuge in the Triple Gem (the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha) or the chosen deity for protection, blessings, and guidance on our spiritual journey. The term "mantra" means to protect the mind from external and internal dangers, such as negative emotions.

    Altruistic Intention: Remind yourself that the mantra is recited for the benefit of all sentient beings. This practice aims to grant them temporary freedom from samsaric sufferings, bring happiness, and ultimately lead them to Buddhahood.

    Offering: Offer your body, speech, and mind to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, or to the specific deity you are invoking. This signifies genuine belief and surrender, helping to cultivate merits necessary for the success of the practice.

    Visualization: Visualize the Buddha or deity as vividly as possible. Clear and focused visualization is crucial for effective practice.

    Mantra Recitation: Recite the deity's mantra to fulfil the practice requirements. Ideally, recite the mantra 108 times. If time is limited, recite it at least 7 times. Follow this with a short meditation and dedicate the merits for the benefit of all sentient beings.