The Dakpo Kagyu originated with Milarepa’s disciple who was like

the sun, the monk Tsojé or the Incomparable Dakpo Lhajé, also known
as Gampopa (1079-1153). He taught his regular disciples the Kadampa
stages of the path and the meditative absorption from the sutra tradition
that is adorned with the name Mahamudra. He taught the uncommon
Mahamudra of the mantra connected to Lama Mila’s path of methods
to his extraordinary disciples.

“Four Great” lineages descended from his four main disciples: the
Barom Kagyu from Barompa Darma Wangchuk (1127-1199/1200), the
Pakdru Kagyu from Pakdru Dorjé Gyalpo (1110-1170), the Kamtsang
Kagyu from Khampa Usé, or Lord Dusum Khyenpa (1110-1193), and
the Tsalpa Kagyu from Zhang Tsalpa Tsöndru Drakpa (1123-1193). 
The Karma Kamtsang Kagyu is the lineage headed by the Karmapa
incarnations, beginning with Glorious Dusum Khyenpa (1110-1193),
the Great Adept Karma Pakshi (1204-1283), and Omniscient Rangjung
Dorjé (1284-1339), and continuing up to the present. Within that there
are also other great successions, such as that of the Tai Situ, Gyaltsap,
Zhamar, Pawo, and Dreho incarnations. This is the root lineage.

There are also two main branches of Kamtsang Kagyu: the Zurmang
and Nedo. The Zurmang tradition began with Masé Tokden Lodro
Rinchen (b. 1386), also known as Trung Masé, who was a student of the
fifth Karmapa Dezhin Shekpa (1384-1415). He received the transmission
of the Chakrasamvara Hearing Lineage. The succession of the incarnations
of his students that have held the seat of the dharma lineage constitute
the Zurmang Kagyu[d]

~pg 139 & 140 The Treasury of Knowledge Book by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye.