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Lunch gathering with Gharwang Rinpoche on lst Jan 2011 Year 2011 started off Auspiciously with a happily relaxed lunch gathering with Gharwang Rinpoche. We were totally energised by blessings flowing from Rinpoche who was requested to give the Oral Transmission for 21 Taras. Rejoice!
2011_01-21 Tara Practice with RP Two blissful days to begin the Auspicious New Year 2011 with the presence of Gharwang Rinpoche in Singapore Centre--with lunch gathering on lst day followed by 21 Tara Oral Transmission on the first as well as second day when we recited the prayers together.

Tashi delek!
 will be arriving on Dec 31st  and leaving for KL on 3rdJanuary 2011.
Everyone is welcome to visit Rinpoche at ZKBC to receive blessings for the New Year!

On lst Jan (Sat): Visiting Hrs: 9.30am to 9.30pm (Break 12nn to 2pm)
On 2nd Jan (Sun): Rinpoche will be giving the Oral Transmission for 21 Tara Practices which is held weekly in ZKBC centre between 3pm to 5pm. 

It will be good not to miss this Auspicious Opportunity to receive the Oral Transmission of 21 Taras (imbued with blessings) directly from Gharwang Rinpoche. 

We would greatly appreciate if you could drop us an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to register your interest in receiving the Oral Transmission from Rinpoche on 2nd Jan...thank you.

You may wish to take a look at the updated schedule posted to the website for more details of Rinpoche's visit to other Zurmang Centres in the region.