With renunciation, contentment, and a mind that strives for liberation,

in the beginning, having sought out a virtuous spiritual teacher,
go for refuge with faith and devotion to the three jewels and three roots,
and in reliance on the Buddha's words,
make vigorous effort at the three of listening, contemplation, and meditation.

By listening, thoroughly understand the meaning of the treatises;
by contemplating, completely eliminate mistaken superimpositions;
and by meditating, realize the essential meaning of what you have listened to and contemplated.
It is important to never break from your practice of listening, contemplation, and meditation.
On a comfortable seat, with a relaxed demeanor,
sit properly in the seven-point posture of Vairocana.

As stated by the Mahāsiddha Tilopa: before meditation,
if you wish to still your mind, make your body pliant using physical yoga, and assume the proper posture.
In the middle, meditate with a basis, without a basis, or without a focal object.
The focal object is the pillar, mindfulness is the rope, and introspection is the hook, and the mad elephant is the mind.

Without distraction, fix the mind single-pointedly to the best of your ability.
Without hoping for good experiences or fearing bad ones,
practice in numerous short sessions.
Finally, without falling under the power of dullness or agitation,
sustain your focus on the nature of mind,
whose nature is empty, essence is luminosity, and aspects are unceasing.