Bardo Teachings Part 11

As for the kinds of birth of these different kinds of beings:

Gods, demigods, and hell beings are miraculously born.

For those who will take birth as gods and demigods,

white and red pure lights will become brighter and clearer,

from which they will see a beautiful palace or forest.

Due to developing attachment to these,

the moment they enter them, they will faint,

and when they awaken, they will have been miraculously born

in the god and demi-god realms.

For those who will take birth as hell beings,

black light will become clearer and brighter,

whereupon the person will turn upside down with their crown to the ground.

Then they will see a house of iron

whereupon, due to their karma, they will either feel delighted by the sight of it

or else they will flee toward out of fear as though they are being chased.

The moment the door opens, they will faint,

and when they awaken, they will have been born in the hell realm.

As for how the other three kinds of beings take rebirth and enter their realms:

For humans, they will wander about eating odors and looking for a womb.

Upon seeing male and female humans, horses, etc., in the act of desire,

if they are going to be reborn as a male,

they will have attachment to the mother and anger toward the father,

and if they are going to be reborn as a female,

they will have attachment to the father and anger toward the mother.

They will see the womb as a beautiful house or garden,

and, developing attachment to it, they will enter the womb.

Animals and pretas will be chased by rain, wind, wild animals, etc.,

and will see the womb as caves, logs, etc. and will enter it.

In summary, according to the instructions,

the four kinds of birth include the five kinds of beings.

Second, as for the way to stop this process and choose your rebirth:

The way in which takes good and bad rebirths was explained before.

You should definitely stop entering bad wombs and

take a pure rebirth by choosing a good realm.

If one has been unable to be liberated by meditating

on the path based on the first and second bardos,

when the thought to take birth in the six realms becomes stronger,

karmic tendencies will become activated,

and due to the inseparability of the mind and wind,

even the wind becomes in the same nature as the mind.

One will follow whichever of the paths of the five pure lights is appropriate,

and all appearances will dawn in that colored light.

As for how to stop that:

visualize both yourself and the light as your yidam,

and dissolve them into light by means of holding entirely or the final dissolution.

By sustaining the virtuous training

in whatever practice you have previously habituated,

such as tummo, illusory body, etc.,

stop the automatic grasping at the path of the pure lights.

According to the Earlier Kapé,

"What the bardo being sees in front of them

is method and wisdom.

Having visualized the pure form of the guru

and thinking that you have received the secret empowerment,

entirely reject jealousy, hatred, etc.,

and meditate on bliss or non-conceptuality"

As for what appears to bardo beings of the six kinds:

Upon seeing male and female sentient beings in union,

meditate on them as the guru or yidam, and receive the secret empowerment.

Recalling the faults of desire, hatred, and jealously,

reject them from their root,

and remain in the state of bliss and emptiness,

which will definitely stop you from taking rebirth.

This is to purify the bardo of existence,

mainly intending birth from a womb.