Bardo Teachings Part 10

In particular, when frightening appearances or conditions arise,

think that this is the confused appearance of the bardo,

rest in the natural state

and meditate persistently on the fact that all this is unreal like an illusion.

Occasionally, we should check whether or not

there are presently the six signs of the bardo, etc.

and make effort at the practice of the bardo.

Meditation on the path of recognizing the bardo

is more effective than other practices.

As stated by the Mahāsiddha Nāropa, at the time of the bardo,

the body which is comprised of a mixture of wind and mind

is an excellent beginningless basis for the saṃbhogakāya, with which it is similar.

The mind during dreams is seven times clearer than while awake,

and the mind in the bardo is seven times clearer than while dreaming.

The mind has no physical basis,

so it is difficult to maintain stable recollection or focus.

If the bardo being can recognize and recall that they are in the bardo,

then they will be able to traverse the path of the bardo without difficulty

and can be liberated by meditating on the bardo in a single session.

Therefore, in the bardo, if you have faith, altruistic special intention,

practice creation and completion stage, etc.,

whichever practice you are able to undertake

on the common or uncommon path,

there will be great benefit and you will quickly attain the result.

At that time, by meditating on dream yoga and phowa,

by means of that practice, you will be able to travel without difficulty

to wherever you wish to be reborn.

However, as stated in Nāropa's prose Kapé,

"If you do not recognize appearances as illusory,

then you will not be able to recognize dreams as illusory.

And if you do not recognize dreams as illusory,

then you will not be able to recognize the bardo as illusory."

Without recognizing appearances as illusory,

you will not be able to recognize dreams as illusory.

And without recognizing dreams as illusory,

you will not be able to recognize the bardo as illusory.

Thus, you must first recognize appearances as illusory.

Third, closing the door to the womb has two subtopics:

(1) how to recognize the wombs of the six realms and (2) advice for how to close the door to the wombs of the six realms

As for how to recognize where to be reborn within the bardo

based on the five pure lights:

Attachment to any object becomes a condition for rebirth,

and anger becomes a condition for death—

due to this one will die a small death and be reborn

every seven days within the bardo.

After the second week, the memories of the most recent life will become less clear

and the appearance of body that one will next take rebirth as will become clearer.

At that juncture, the god and demon that are born together with each person

will appear to them, counting their virtuous and non-virtuous actions with pebbles.

Due to that, strong happy or unhappy feelings will arise.

Then, the bardo being who is without a physical body will become very sad.

At that time, there are only the other four "name" aggregates

and their consciousness will wander being pushed about

by the winds and karmic tendencies,

and they will begin to look for a place to be reborn while eating odors.

According to Looking for the Door to the Womb,

"The five pure lights, the good and bad wombs of the six kinds of rebirth,

and the four different kinds of birth will all appear.

Due to the interdependence of appearances and the mind,

the five winds will move, the five poisons will gather,

and the five pure lights will dawn.

The light which pervades all directions will

show the different states to which one can wander,

and whichever of the paths of the five colored lights you follow

will determine where you will be reborn.

The white leads to rebirth as a god, red as a demigod, blue as a human,

yellow as a preta, green as an animal,

and from within the green, a smoke-colored path will lead to hell.

All light and dark appearances will dawn as the five pure lights,

and the mental body too will appear in the color of the light according to the next rebirth.

If taking rebirth in a higher realm, you will feel that you are going upward.

If taking rebirth in hell or as a preta, you will feel that you are going downward.

If taking rebirth as an animal, you will feel you are going sideways.

If taking rebirth as a god, you will see a palace of precious gems.

If taking rebirth as a demigod, you will see a forest.

If taking rebirth as a human, you will see the four continents:

in the eastern continent of Videha, male and female horses will appear,

in the western continent of Godānīya, male and female cows will appear,

in the northern continent of Kurava,

a lake with male and female swans will appear,

and in the southern continent of Jambudvipa,

beautiful houses with male and female humans will appear.

If going to the animal realm,

caves, rugged mountains, cliffs, and so forth will appear.

If going to the preta realm, burning logs and a dark, black tent will appear.

If going to hell, an iron building and bonfires will appear.