
It is hard to believe that we have a mind, and it is much more difficult not to believe that we don’t have it. To many people mind is always fascinating and something hard to figure out. Every culture has a different way of explaining what mind is and its function. Let me answer the question "What is mind?" according to Buddhist perspective.

The hard part is that we can't really see mind in the palm of the hand, yet we cannot deny that the mind is not present. What is mind? Mind is luminosity which has ability to cognize. In fact, mind is the most powerful tool to liberate us from confusion and ignorance or unknowing. Poisons such as anger or attachment are the source of worries and discomfort; however, without facilitating our mind's ability to be more aware of such poisons, simply trying to correct our attitude may not help. For instance, I have to convince my mind logically why it is not healthy to have such attitude. Moreover, when we are able to convince our mind, any kind of difficulties can be overcome. Before we try to correct our body and speech, we need to understand and analysis our mind, so that mind can bring changes in our life for better. There are two kinds of mind: (1) primary consciousness; and (2) fifty-one secondary minds accompanying a primary mind. Their functions are quite different from each other. Finally meditation does help bring certain levels of tranquility and clarity to our mind. This subject is profound and difficult to explain. However, it is something we can all study and learn in the future. I am just sharing with you why mind is so important to study, analyze and understand. Once we are able to recognize and realize the true essence of our mind, we are Buddha! Oh Buddha! With love


My Feeling

I truly feel that I am really very fortunate to have so many beautiful people who sincerely care and love me from the button of their hearts. It is true that the journey of our life is not as smooth as we may wish. Especially, when we have to trust each other and share bad or good feelings honestly. In addition, situation is getting from bad to worse, not because they wanted, simply the circumstances are making every one more difficult to be loving and less selfish. Moreover, we are all feeling less secure and comfortable with the current environment and that is adding salt to our wounds. Further, even for me, life is not as rosy as I would expect. However, my commitment to my duties, with less expectations and with blessings of Gurus, keep me going. Even though, it is tough, yet there is no turning back from where I had begun! When I listen to your grievances, I totally agree with you all, it is indeed not easy and I could understand the feeling of desparate ones. The fact is, there is no immediate cure, however, by just looking at the positive side of our life brings a little relief from depression and anxieties and of course not to mention less expectation.

Finally, looking at the world of others may help us to understand better about our own world! Lets share from our heart and bring light of wisdom to free ourselves from darkness of unknowing!