We all may wish to know what we have gained from our years of practice and where we have reached in our spiritual development.

The answer can actually be quite simple when we consider the following question: are we able to apply the advice of our spiritual teachers in our daily lives or are our negative emotions only getting stronger? If we are able to manage our emotions quite well no matter how difficult the circumstances may be, and if we are able to remain unmoved by challenging situations, then that is a sure sign of spiritual progress. It is of primary importance to integrate the teachings and advice of spiritual masters into every moment of our daily lives, and it is that ability which shows that we are not only practicing well, but also that we are making progress on the path. Unfortunately, there are many who might spend years in retreat, reciting mantras and sutras, but who only regress in their bad habits rather than applying all their past learning to the present moment. If this is the case, then we are deceiving ourselves if we think we are a great practitioner. We must remain ever mindful so that we avoid falling into the trap of the endless cycle of destructive emotions, which will ultimately deplete all our hard-earned merit.