Love is Beautiful!

True love is beautiful and has always been the main source of strength and will power for the mighty one and all of us. When we harness such love, we will see our life as colourful, lively and meaningful. Love blesses us with joy, happiness and a sense of caring for each other.

 However, the moment our love becomes self-centred, or driven by sexual desire and selfishness, then the true meaning of love changes what it represents. In addition, love and compassion is the most powerful tool to empower us and anyone to overcome and defeat any emotion and any form of forces which destroys our meaningful life. Moreover, hatred, anger and greed do not eradiate our so called poisons of all these emotions, but only love is the only powerful tool to win over and seize power from such forces. Furthermore, whoever believes that ego, anger and greed can defeat our emotions and so called enemy is deluded and ignorant, even though experiences tell us a totally different story. Finally, love and compassion closely connects us with our families, friends and relatives and also we are able to win and defeat all forms of enemies from within and externally. In conclusion, love mends broken promises, love empowers every individual and love brings hope and shares with one another joy and happiness.

Without you, I am a no body and it’s you who have made me who I am today.

One day, if I become a Buddha, it is because of your love and your care.

And without us, Prince Siddhartha is just another king but not a Buddha as we all know Him today!


What is the True Meaning of Dharma?


(1) Do not commit any sin: all our misfortunes, sufferings, and any action that inflicts pain to our body, speech and mind should be abandoned. There are ten actions that bring our downfall. Firstly, the three physical acts: not killing, not stealing and not engaging in sexual misconduct. Secondly, the four verbal acts: telling lies, making divisive speeches, using harsh words towards others and engaging in worthless chatters like talking about wars or deeds that bring harm to oneself and others. Finally, the three mental acts: to crave for other’s belongings, malicious intention and to hold wrong views, such as not believing in the law of karma.


(2) Accumulate more merits by cultivating good thoughts and good deeds, follow the right path and meaningful advices. Happiness, wealth, power, success and many other kinds of wealth that we want to achieve come from doing the right things and following the right path. Therefore, we must make an effort to cultivate merits and do the right thing.


(3) Tame our wild mind: Our body and speech are like the attendants and without mind nothing really happens. For instance, good or bad is decided by the mind and if the mind goes wild, then the consequences that we have to face is seriously painful. Therefore, as long as our mind is tame, we are safe and the moment we lose control of the wild mind, then down fall is sure to follow.


(4) In conclusion, avoid all evil actions, follow the right path and do the right thing and finally, tame our mind by thinking right thoughts and following the right advices. This is called the Dharma. Let me add this: we are not perfect and we do make mistakes, however, we must try to avoid doing wrong things. Please make an effort to always follow the right path and advices and by doing so will make the difference in our life!