A Good Leader

Many people have different opinions about the characteristics of a good leader. Some believe to be uncorrupted, more compassionate and understanding about others will make a good leader. It is true that leaders must have admirable characteristics in order to lead. I believe it is important that leaders be honest, less selfish and understanding about others.


Firstly, as a leader, you have to be honest to help anyone who needs your service. There should not be any form of favouritism involved. In addition, leaders should always tell the truth, even though it may create unhappiness among some people. Leaders must view everyone as if is their own family members. Indeed, leaders truly have to be honest human beings.

Secondly, when you are elected as a leader to serve people and to help fulfilled their needs, you cannot afford to be selfish nor self-centred. Leaders have to open their hearts and offer their services to anyone who needs their guidance and protection. For instance, you cannot just help your own family members; Leaders must open their arms to everyone. If leaders only care for themselves, then, they are definitely not fit to be a good leader.

Finally, understanding about each others’ problems, weaknesses and good qualities play a very important part in the true characteristic of leadership. You cannot just believe in yourself and hold on to your own opinions. There are many good reasons why it is not right. For example, what you believe may not be right, and could be totally wrong. As a leader, you have to share your thoughts and ideas with others, and only through such exchanges, then you will be able to understand others better than you may imagine.

Therefore to be a good leader, you must be an honest person. You need to show more concern for others and to understand how others feel.