Don’t Hold Back..

In my opinion, we should never let our grievances, anger and jealousy
hold back our progress in life. One of the best ways to start is to learn how
to forgive and forget.

By keeping these poisons inside us will not help to release
our stress and unhappiness. Instead, it will make us very unhappy and unhealthy. Therefore,
the best option is not to look back but move on with our daily life.


Past is Experience, Present is Experiment, Future is Expectation

Thinking about past is like fishing from an empty river bed.
Worrying for the future is like painting the face of an unborn child.
This present moment decides what will be our future.
Therefore, don’t let our mind be off guarded.
Always let mindfulness and awareness take charge of our daily life to safe guard our beautiful future.


We should not let our mind go wild, because emotions are always
waiting patiently to get an opportunity to steal away our hard earned
merit and success. Such as anger, jealousy and attachment are waiting and
sleeping within us. The moment any of these poisons wakes up, it will throw
us into the ocean of sufferings. Beware!