Sharing Thoughts ….by Gharwang Rinpoche

I learned not to correct others mistakes but address my own shortfalls.
I always admire someone who is humble, less arrogant and who has less pride.
I always try to learn from my mistakes and be careful of my actions in the future.


There is a general belief that friends can influence every
individual’s character.
Therefore one has to be careful with
whom we want to be friend with, otherwise, we may just
face our own downfall.


Many people believed that laughing is healthy.
If our animal friends know how to smile, then why are we
not smiling enough to be happy and healthy.
After all, it is the only free gift from nature.


Many people may have a different opinion on what a good leader really means.
My personal understanding about a sincere leader stands for honesty and genuineness.
He has to be someone who tries to be supportive of others’ needs and concerns. It is true
we cannot really find someone who is not selfish at all but, at least he has to be one who
cares and shows concerns for others. I personally believed that when we look for a leader
or Spiritual Gurus, races, looks and pride should not come in our way. What
is important is, how good and qualified he or she is as a teacher.
There are dangers of discrimination against races, looks and the teacher or guide’s nationality. This kind of selection will ultimately hurt us and eventually we will be the loser.
Therefore, purely in my opinion, I would look for someone who is qualified,
sincere and who genuinely cares for his or her students.