
It is true that there is no solution to every problem we face
in our daily life. However, if we understand what is
creating the problem and the problem itself, it will at least reduce
the pain that we may suffer.

For instance, recently,some of the professors did some testing on the rats and what
they have learnt from that testing was mind boggling. They
separated the three rats and before the professors gave shock to
the first rat, some kind of signal was given. The second rat
was not given any signal and just a shock and finally, the third
rat was not given any shock but just signal. At the end the results
showed the rat that received signal and shock and the rat which just
received signal but not shock seems to have less stress. However,
the rat which never received any signal suffers the most stress.
This experiment shows it is unlikely to free oneself totally from pain!
Having said that, at least if we know what will cause the suffering, it will help one to
be more prepared and therefore less painful.