Today, I am quite happy compared to many because I am contented with who I am.
I learned to let it go and accept the reality, therefore, I am not upset.

I acknowledge that respecting others is the best way to respect oneself.
I avoid criticizing others because I know how I will feel when I am being criticized.
Those little experiences encourage me to live happily and respectfully in a crowded environment.


When there is a constructive discussion, one should always try to be part of the process. However, if it is merely speech of division or simply comes out of jealousy then looking around will be a much better option and it is in fact healthier.


Our lives may seem very short to most of us but it is actually a kind of deception. It is like looking at the mountains which seem near and yet so far for us to reach. I have learnt not to rush into making decisions out of emotions so that it will not ruin our beautiful life. Take our time to decide and always be mindful.


Disappointment comes when our unreasonable expectations are not met. It is like trying to chew something which our mouth cannot really accommodate.