When we look back at our lives, we will find that many times our problems are self-made.

We tend to feel better when we look at someone else who is not us. It is always safer and wiser to be who we are and not to be what we are based on our dreams and faults. Moreover, at the end of the day we have nothing to lose and in fact happier when we have to face the truth.

Many of us may have heard this all the time, “Be Yourself”. It may sound great. However, when I start to think deep inside then I felt that it is also quite deceiving for the following reasons. Firstly, if we are perfect then no need to change and we can be who we are, if not then we need to change for a better tomorrow. Secondly, only through changes we could make great progress in lives or else we may face failure. Moreover, it is all about changing our mind set that we will see the differences. Finally, if we stick to the old bad habits then we are going to be worse not better. Therefore, there is nothing wrong to accept as to who I am but at least not our bad habits.


Journey of attachments begins from young age. If we keep nurturing them, it will keep growing and journey gets longer with each attachment. It is not impossible to be free from attachment. However, our first goal is not to let it grow by not providing it with whatever it needs all the time. If we want to fulfill the requirements of attachment then even the entire world in not enough to satisfy it. 

Have a nice day!