There are big differences between committing sins or making mistakes with intention and without intention.

Whoever commits such crimes cannot really escape the ill effects of wrong acts. However, it is more serious when someone does something morally ugly and harmful to each other.


In the 21st century, we are becoming even more dependent on each other’s needs and we cannot really avoid such phenomenon. In fact we share almost everything from water, air, fire and earth. In such a closely netted environment, if we try to live by ourselves, then we are going to face an upward struggle throughout our lives. There are many good reasons why it is beneficial to share with others rather than simply trying to stand alone. For instance, sharing brings appreciation, admiration, security and most importantly respect and love from our neighbours. Dependence does not mean that we are becoming slaves to others but simply accepting the reality and moving forward with whatever our situations have to offer us. It is truly a sign of maturity and wisdom even in difficult circumstances to make good use of time and environment.