It is truly human nature that when we are with someone precious, we do not

appreciate as much as we always should. When the presence of such holy person is missing, then

we tend to miss and start to ask ourselves why we were not able to appreciate that particular

time and moment. Therefore, whenever we can, we should cherish the precious moment with our gurus and even our loved ones. Malaysia. 13/6/13


Love and hatred are both hard to hold tight and may be appreciated at first sight.

Love brings respect and care, while hatred generates anxiety and discomfort.

Therefore, you should be the judge who decides which of these is most beneficial for you now and in the future.


Success and achievement do not come overnight.

We have to work through all levels of difficulties and uncertainties in life.

It is our determination and hard work that will enable us to reach the top.

We have to begin from the early part of our lives and cannot just hope for miracles to happen, because without our efforts, nothing really moves us forward.



Depending too much on hope in life is something like hoping to lay an egg,

but not really sure what will come first.