It is unfair to complain to anyone about our burden or suffering. It is just a matter of how big and how difficult.

Every one of us has responsibilities and commitments. Thus, we should just be happy and do our best.

Whatever we do in life, it has to come from our heart’s willingness. If we try to force anyone to do something—good or bad—then it will look very unnatural.

We tend to blame everything on our negative emotions, like anger and jealousy, for our misfortune and mishaps. However, if we do not entertain those poisons, then anger and jealousy do not have any strength. In fact, by entertaining them, we nurture them and make them more powerful, and eventually they will destroy us. Thus, we simply have to let these destructive emotions go and be determined never to entertain them now or in the future.

I have been travelling to many different countries all these years. I would say that I have had wonderful opportunities to interact with others concerning our common worries, such as dealing with disharmony within communities and lack of mutual respect and the struggle to create a harmonious and progressive working environment. In my opinion, in order to achieve such beautiful conditions, we all have to work together to solve problems without holding onto stubbornness and stupidity. If we take a strong stance on any issue, such a stubborn attitude limits our ability to resolve problems and also hinders our efforts to build up a good future for the next generation. Therefore, we have to learn when to give and how to move forward for the betterment of all.