H.E. 12th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche will be arriving Singapore on 11th June Thursday (by Jet Airway 9W 18 ETA 18:25  at T3)
to conduct the Amitabha Zhingdrup Grand Puja at Futsing from 12th to 14th June (Fri to Sunday). In view of the recent spate of disasters that have occurred all over the world, we take this opportunity to dedicate merits for those who have perished as well as create conditions for all to be reborn in the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha.
With the proper motivation, Zhingdrup is also very effective and is a beneficial practice for our daily life because Amitabha is inseparable from Amitayus, or Long Life Buddha. Therefore, it is a supreme practice for increasing the essence of life, health, wealth, positive energies and merits, as well as for pacifying hindrances or obstacles and negative karma.
All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
Audience with H.E. 12th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche at ZKBC centre in Singapore has been scheduled as follows:
16th June from 10 am to 11.30am
18th June from 6pm to 9.30pm
Zurmang Kagyud Buddhist Centre
301 Guillemard Road
Singapore 399740

Tel: +65-6744-0198
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