If someone praises him or herself, then this may simply be a form of self-deception

and is likely the result of self-cherishing. Humility is the key to gaining respect and is a powerful tool to overcome egotism and arrogance.

In Buddhism, it is always encouraged for individuals to practice skillful means and wisdom, because although we might be engaged in actions that outpour compassion, if the environment is wrong, then we might actually bring sadness to others. But with the tools of method and wisdom, we may be able to build harmonious and loving environments for many.

When we are narrow-minded, what we see is ugly and unpleasant. The moment we open our hearts, we might be surprised to know that things are so beautiful and pleasant.

Following a religion is very important in an individual's life, but it is more essential to practice wholeheartedly by listening to qualified teachers who preach selflessness, love, and kindness. Above all, one must be a good human being, or else one might not be a true follower. Thus, it is not about what you believe in, but about how you practice. So, if one is not prepared to engage in the practice of any school of thought, then it would be more sensible to simply be a kind human being.

We all have the wish to be a better person, yet we almost always remain the same because of lacking the will to change inwardly. It is always hard to make the first step, but if we have the determination, we will be surprised by how much change we can bring to our own lives and the lives of others. Therefore, it is worth trying.

In my opinion, learning never stops. Everyday, we learn many new things. So, if we are willing, we can make efforts to think and dream a beautiful future. Therefore, do not let our ups and downs in life cause pain and depression.

One has to know when to treasure something or someone precious to us. One also should know that when the time comes for parting, we must accept it and let it go, because if we try to hold on, then we may only end up with more pain. Therefore, it is important to learn when to hold on and when to let go.

It is hard to believe what precious little time we spend applying what we learn from the Buddha Dharma. If we observe our daily life, within each 24 hour period, most people tend to sleep 8 to 9 hours, and most have to work for their living another 8 to 9 hours. We are then left with only around 6 hours, and if we deduct time for meals and travel time, we end up with just tiny amount of time to truly devote to practice. Moreover, please do not forget that we must spend time with friends and family members. Of course, we also use our time to watch TV, exercise, and gossip about each other which is simply a waste of our precious time. Therefore, given this situation, whatever we do everyday, if we can apply the precious teachings in our daily lives, then there is hope, something to look forward to, and something to be happy about.

In my opinion, if we wish our Dharma practice to be meaningful and effective, we cannot simply choose what we like, but should instead practice what our teachers advise us, because we may not know which kind of practice is indeed best for us. Therefore, choosing a practice is not like selecting the latest designer clothes, but is more like finding the clothes that fit us most comfortably and suit our personal budget.

Remembering the actions of the past does not serve a meaningful purpose, however, avoiding repeating wrong actions of the past and embracing virtuous actions will certainly brighten our futures for better.

It is difficult to judge others by one misstep. In my opinion, we must be patient and observe in order to know someone better and deeply.