How Can We Make Small Contribution to Our Society

by Zurmang Gharwang on Monday, March 21, 2011 at 10:27am


Logically speaking, to fill an ocean, every drop of water is precious and counted. As a part of human society, we all have a great responsibility to respect and protect others and the environment. It is not about what you believe but rather it is about how much you can contribute for the benefits of others. We love ourselves for so long and at the end of the day are we better or are we more insecured in this ever changing world?

The problem is, we all move one step ahead and three steps behind and in fact this is how it has been as far as we could remember. Nothing is easier said than done, there is a saying, “no pain no gain”. But the difference here is that the pain you have to endure has a meaningful purpose, it is not about me but for the benefit of others. Whatever you have done were something meaningful and you should be proud of your contribution. In deed you will be remembered and respected and your ticket to the Heaven is confirmed !  If you ask me what is the purpose of life, the answer is simple, to be happy but, not at the expense of others and the purpose of life is to make others happy. Therefore, nobody in this world should  use any kind of forces to acquire happiness because it will be short lived. We all can learn from what is happening in Middle East and it can happen anywhere else .Power, Fame, and Wealth aren’t the genuine source of happiness. In fact these may add more problems than the solution. After all, the true source of happiness lies within you and we just have to cultivate rightfully. If each and every one of us ,do the right things for the sake of oneself and others and the environment according to our own ability, this will bring lasting solution to our never ending problems. We all need to work for the brighter future of ourself and for the next generation. This is just my hope and belief, the rest all depend on all of us to think what we want our future to be like . May you always be blessed with love and happiness!