You Are Responsible For Your Own Destiny

by Zurmang Gharwang on Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 4:03am

Many of us genuinely believed that our destiny lies with someone else. The day we are born, even though we may not be able to speak, yet we are all looking for the same answers, why I am here, and who am I and what is my goal? Some of the answers could be the following reasons.

First, why we are here is because of our own actions or karma from your previous life. Second, is to create happiness for ourselves and also to bring happiness to others without hurting anyone in the process. There is a saying, "what you are today is what you had done in your last life and what will be tomorrow is what you do today!”  If we ask who am I? According to Buddhist belief, we all possess the essence or seed of enlightened being but we failed to recognize that and this is the reason why we are here .

The difference between Buddha and us is Buddha recognized the essence and we still haven’t and so we may have to make Samsara our home for a long time. In fact it is not a bad idea to make Samsara a platform to reach our goal which is to become Buddha for the sake of all. As Buddha rightly said that "I can just show you the way, it is all up to you when or how soon you can reach your destiny."

With all those reasons, we don’t wait for anyone to bring us . It is up to us how hard we work and how seriously we devote our time to practice. We can’t blame anyone for our pain and we can’t give credit for my happiness to anyone else. If I am wrong, the thousand Buddha can’t make me right and if I am right millions of devils can’t make me wrong! It is all what we do, but not somebody else to do it for us. Surprise! what I said is not what I think but it is the view of Buddha Sakyamuni! Hey you are free to add on or express your own views. Please make sure that you don’t act like a Buddha! (Meaning if we do not understand the depth and profundity of the teachings and act as if one has already attained realisation, that would be extremely dangerous for oneself)

                                                          With just love