by Zurmang Gharwang on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 4:54am

Primary consciousness or mind  sees, however, does not recognize or differentiate between either good or bad. Secondary minds are the ones which recognize this is beautiful, I like and I want to keep it for myself. This is ugly, I don’t like and I don’t want to own it. Thereafter, the whole process of rebirth, old age, sickness and death begins.

Ignorance is the main actor of our creation and creation of so-called Samsara or cyclic existence. Until we defeat the main culprit which is ignorance we have to remain in Samsara for a long time. In order to overcome so called poisons, the three wisdom acquired through listening, contemplation and meditation or practice is the key to the eradication of ignorance. Therefore, we must enhance our wisdom which is the most powerful tool to destroy or pull down the wall of ignorance or unknowing. In Buddhist belief there is no beginning of Samsara, however, we should be very happy, because there is an end. It is up to us how fast or how soon we want to achieve liberation and I definitely want to be part of  your celebration!

With love