by Zurmang Gharwang on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 7:58am



I have been in Boston for almost a year and not just have I improved on my English a little bit.  A huge improvement came to me as I get to know more about people. I may say, this experience was  a blessing in disguise for me. Because when I am siiting on the throne, I could only see "one colour". You may say , I am colour blind!


when I am among the people it seems to me there are more colours then I could imagine! I feel there are so many opportunities being offerered to us every day! There will always be someone who makes us unhappy, jealous, angry, upset or happy, which never happens in Heaven! Reacting instantly contributes to more pain than comfort. After a while when everything settles down, then we start thinking sensibly and we will realize that not acting was very wise! If someone acts when you are angry, you will most likely make it worse. When we are angry we should take a picture for remembrance. I bet, we may not even recognize ourself. I would say that sometimes when we face such situation,it is better not to argue or fight, because such act will not bring solution. You may just turn away or try to be calm and don't ever lose your senses. Let me put in simple langauge, for instance, if two dogs are barking, can we understand what these two dogs are trying to say? Can we? we can't. Similarly, when someone is upset or angry, he or she will not make sense. When such situation occurs, this is the right time to test our practice. If we win by not losing our cool head, we celebrate but if we lose we have to improve our practice. Whatever that comes, take it positively, there will always be ways to make it better and meaningful for all! Be cool, be happy, be sensible, be holy and be wise!




                                      With love