Firstly, attaining this precious human body is the result of the accumulation of merit

throughout many lifetimes. It is not simply a lucky coincidence. In order to make the best use of this and future lives, one should practice the authentic supreme dharma. 

Moreover, unless one relies on an authentic guru, there is the danger of following mistaken teachings. Most importantly, if you know a single word of authentic dharma, you can make this human life meaningful by putting it into practice. Otherwise, even if you know many teachings, if you do not put it into practice, it will be of no use. Do not fall into the fault of limiting your practice to the pages of dharma texts. Most importantly, none of our actions of body, speech, and mind should ever contradict the words of the Buddha.

In summary, even if you are unable to practice many teachings, most importantly, you should never inflict harm on others and should benefit others as much as you can. Why? Because without sentient beings, there would be no Buddhas. For the purpose of attaining complete enlightenment, there is no difference between Buddhas and sentient beings. In particular, there is no single sentient being who has not once been our own parent. Therefore, you should definitely hold love, compassion, and the precious aspiration of bodhicitta in your mental continuum.