Introduction to the Three Kāyas

As for the profound introduction to the three kāyas

according to Milarepa, the lord of siddhas in the Land of Snows,

The nirmāṇakāya (emanation body of a Buddha) is the appearing manifestation, which shows itself in saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, appearing in the visible domain, 

though in reality it is free from fabrications, but merely appears within confusion 

due to unceasing, inviolable karma and its results. 

The saṃbhogakāya (complete enjoyment body of a Buddha) is said to be the meeting of the natural face,

the emptiness which is unestablished within the duality of grasper and grasped,

the nature of the appearance which dawns unceasingly to blind and ignorant beings. 

The ultimate dharmakāya (truth body of a Buddha) is the supreme introduction,

the beautiful rainbow play

unapprehended by the spiritually immature,

which does not grasp at true existence and does not reside in the intellect.

By Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche, December 4, 2020