Lama Yingnyen has arrived Singapore and gave a brief introduction on

himself and his schedule in Singapore for his teaching tour.

He entered monastic studies in Sikkim at age 16 and is currently
completing his Buddhist Philosophy course.

During his stay in Singapore for the following 2 weeks, he will be
sharing with us (in English) his Dharma knowledge on the 4 Noble
Truths which was the first teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha after he
attained enlightenment.

The four noble truths are:

The truth of suffering (or anxiety, unsatisfactoriness)
The truth of the origin of suffering
The truth of the cessation (or end) of suffering
The truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering

This topic although very basic, is an important foundation to learning
Buddhism. It defines the correct intention or motivation for our
practice which leads to successful attainment of our ultimate
liberation from suffering or enlightenment.

Therefore, please note down the following dates for Lama Yingnyen's
teaching in our Centre and join us in this golden opportunity to learn

Fridays - 22/11 & 29/11 at 8pm
Saturdays - 23/11 & 30/11 at 3pm
Sundays - 24/11 & 1/12 at 10am

**Impt: Sunday, 24/11 is an auspicious day - Shakyamuni Buddha
descends from Heaven after teaching his mother, Those who have taken
refuge and wish to receive the 8 Mahayana Precepts may come to centre
at 7am where our Lama will be giving the vows.

Do not miss our program!

On 13th November:

We are pleased to announce that Kyorpon Lama Yingnyen will be in
Singapore from 16 Nov to 6 Dec 2013 for his Dharma teaching tour

during his winter break from monastic studies in Sikkim.

This series of Dharma sharing and discussion will start on 17 Nov
(Sunday) at 5pm. Tentatively, we have scheduled the second and third
talks on 22 Nov at 8.30pm & 24 Nov at 5pm.

Depending on the audience's response, we may extend the talk accordingly.

We also welcome any feedbacks from you regarding our programe so that
we can  cater to your needs.