An early greeting "Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year with lots of Prayers & Blessings from Gharwang Rinpoche" to you!
We are very happy to announce that Gharwang Rinpoche will be coming to Singapore on 14th January 2014 to conduct a Meditation Class in ZKBC
centre at 301 Guillemard Road Singapore 399740 on 15th January (Wed) from 7.30pm to 10.00pm. All are welcome..
Many great masters have said that the gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift we can give ourselves in this life. For it is only through meditation that we can discover our true nature and to find the stability and confidence we will need to live and eventually to die well.
It would be good if you could help to disseminate this information to your friends as the gift of Dharma is one of the greatest gift you can give to anyone whom you care and love.
We certainly look forward to seeing you at the centre, so do mark this date and time on your calendar..
Rinpoche will arrive on 14th January and leaves for Medan on 16th January 2014..the flight details will be announced once they have been confirmed.
Take care and have a good day wherever you may be...
May All Be Auspicious!