For those of you who have missed the teaching on 7 Points of Mind Training given by Gharwang Rinpoche in the year 2004 in Singapore at Ngee Ann Cultural Centre,
you may now joyfully click on the below link provided here and listen to it. However, if you prefer to hold the physical book to read, then kindly come to the ZKBC at 301 Guillemard Road, Singapore 399740 and sponsor a copy at only $10. Very limited copies left. 
With gratitude, we are glad to announce that causes and conditions have ripened to make it possible for H.E 12th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche, the Head of Zurmang Dakini Whispering Lineage to lead the first Zurmang Kagyud Monlam in Qinghai from 31st July to 4th August 2015. Together with several Rinpoches, thousands of monks and nuns and devotees, many auspicious Aspirational Prayers for the well-being of each and everyone, peace, prosperity and harmony for the world and the flourishing of the great Buddha Dharma will be recited daily. The immeasurable merits that shall be accumulated through such participation and sponsorship of this auspicious event will be dedicated towards the enlightenment of all mother sentient beings.
It is possible only through the kind and generous support of many of you.
Participation in kind such as making lamp offering ($50 individual & $100 family)
offering of robes ($50/ea)
food & tea per day ($500)
offering to monks/nuns ($1000)
For those who are interested to travel with some of us, please note the tentative travel dates are estimated to start from 28th July to around 5th August 2015. We apologise that at this moment, we are unable to provide much details regarding the travel but we would appreciate if you could let us know if you are keen to participate in person. Yesterday we had a brief discussion with our Resident Lama Sonam and he suggested that for those who are keen to join, we may have to fly from Singapore to Guangzhou and then connect to Yushu. Anyone of you who is familiar in this route of travel to Qinghai, it will be helpful if you can provide some suggestions and share your thoughts with us.
We thank you for your attention and we certainly look forward to your enquiries, if any, regarding the above at email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.