Many people, although they have not yet taken refuge in the Trible Gem,

still have an unshakable belief in the Buddha and Buddhist doctrines. On many occasions, I have been asked about refuge, and I have also conducted many refuge ceremonies as requested. Before taking refuge in the Triple Gem, we should understand the meaning and reason for taking refuge. 

Refuge is the most important ceremony for someone seeking liberation. It is very important for someone who wishes to be free from negative emotions and even external harm. From the moment someone takes refuge in the Triple Gems, they become a member of the Buddhist family. They are taking their first steps on their Buddhist journey to freedom, like Prince Siddhartha, who set off to become a Buddha for the sake of all sentient beings. 

Once you take refuge in the Triple Gem, you commit to seeing the Buddha as similar to a great doctor who can diagnose the cause of suffering, namely the disease of negative emotions such as anger, attachment, and ignorance. You also commit to seeing the teachings as similar to medicine, which has the power to cure these negative emotions permanently. Furthermore, you commit to seeing the sangha as similar to a nurse who tends to the needs of those seeking relief from suffering. 

If one wishes to secure liberation for oneself and others, taking refuge is the first and necessary step to fulfilling one's goal. Moreover, if one wishes to practice Tantrayana, it is also essential to take refuge from the three roots: Guru, Yidam, and Dharmapalas.

The guru is the source of blessings and can lead you to liberation. In Tantrayana, progress is impossible without the guidance of a guru, so a practitioner must study from a qualified teacher who has an unbroken linage and can give profound teachings. 

A yidam is a deity like Green Tara and is the source of temporal and ultimate accomplishments. To practice Yidam, one must receive empowerment, transmission, and instruction from a qualified master. 

Dharmapala, such as Four-Arm Mahakala and Mahakali, are a source of protection from inner and external obstacles. 

Having taken refuge in the Three Jewels and Three Roots, the practitioner must build strong and unshakable devotion to the objects of refuge by developing different kinds of faith. This is a key to liberation. 

For someone who has taken refuge, it is essential to respect the objects of refuge, develop love and compassion for all sentient beings, and make their best efforts to avoid acts of non-virtue. As the Buddha explained, He can only show you the way to Buddhahood, but you have to learn, contemplate, and apply all the advice from teachers to guarantee true freedom. This requires practicing as much as possible in one's daily life. In summary, a liberation seeker must take refuge in and incorporate all the teachings into every action to improve oneself as a practitioner and enhance love and compassion for all.
~ H.E. 12 th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche