Unrealistic Hope

Hope plays a very important role in our life and it is true that hope keeps us moving during difficult situations. Personally, I do not see anything wrong to have a hope. However, when we start to rely everything on hope, then it becomes a serious issue that we must address immediately.

Moreover, hope can be unrealistic and to dream something big in life; simply hoping for it to happen is truly a kind of hallucination. In addition, we need to be practical in life so as to act in order to realize our dreams.

For instance, we can’t just sit and ask the mighty one to fulfill our needs as so far nobody has been successful in this wishful approach and most likely we will not succeed at all. If so, then why are we working so hard? Finally, relying simply on unrealistic hope is the source of disappointment and depression. Therefore, in order to achieve something in life, we need to have determination and the right effort. Have a nice day!