Move on and Just Turn the Page

I have seen many colours of ups and down in my life. Sometimes I get what I want and even occasionally get what I never asked for. What really helps me to move on with my day to day life is to accept whatever happens,  irregardless of good or bad on a positive note.

In addition, I must confess that nothing is really as easy as I may wish. Sometimes, I may wish for something in particular but end up I may have to settle with something else. Over the years, I realized that few factors in life can make all the differences. First, to be guided by compassionate teachers. Second, in order to avoid the same mistakes, always recall your past experiences. Third, make sure that you do not let your assumption decide your path. Finally, one should build up self confidence to carry on with your daily life without being dictated by emotions and especially arrogance and pride.

Have a wonderful day.