
We experience many kinds and levels of stress that we go through every day in our life. Yet it is quite surprising to learn that many of us do not really recognize such a huge problem. We all know that the stress brings discomfort and unpleasant feeling. We may relate and think that the sources of stress are: long hours of work, financial insecurities, problems with families and many other displeasures.

However, we failed to recognize that even wealth, power, fame, too health conscious and many others could add more to our unmanageable levels of stress. For instance, everybody likes money and to earn it is not as easy as we may think. Firstly, money is very difficult to earn and we may just hope that one day the money will grow on the trees. Secondly, it is harder to keep, because we want to spend to enjoy ourselves. Finally, it is easier to lose than to keep. Therefore, even though we may not consider wealth, fame and power as a source of stress but in actual fact it is. And if we really want to be less stressful then the following advices may be able to help you in the long run. These are: less expectation, to be more practical in life and to get only what is necessary and don’t compare, just be happy as to whom you are.