
Life is full of excitements, and it is up to us what we really want to pursue, as no one can decide for us. In fact, it is dangerous to ask for advice from anyone who is not qualified to lead and we may just wonder even more. The journey of life may offer many surprises

and sometimes could be misleading and we may just say “Holy where am I?” by then it is a bit too late to scratch our head and that is what we do sometimes. For instance, it is like being in front of the tiger and we ask: “do you prefer vegetarian or non vegetarian or me”. I always try to remember what Buddha said,” I can share the right method or the path towards liberation, however, it is totally up to you to follow or just simply say, “ no thanks and I have a better option”. Moreover, either too optimistic or pessimistic in life may be not the best way but to take a more cautious approach is a better option than we may have at this moment. Furthermore, I would say that it is nothing wrong to be excited but don’t let others take away our most deserved freedom to realize the dream of liberation in the midst of our excitement. Finally, this moment is the most precious moment in our life and if we let our only chances to liberation slips away because of our little excitement, then in deed we may say to ourselves in the front of the mirror, “ yes, you are a fool!”.

Have a nice weekend my buddies!