Collective Decisions

Many times in life, we have to make the right decision to see what kind of future we have. As far as I am concerned, collective decisions are safer and bear better results. It is not wrong to make our own decisions however, decisions based on lack of experience and wisdom may lead to failure.

In addition, we are living in a world of interdependence and in such an environment, standing alone is quite impossible. After all, we can’t clap without our two hands.

Moreover, our success or failure comes not from within but when we compare ourselves to others. As long as we know that life is not just about ourselves but all of us, and it reminds us that we are not alone, we need to share and learn from each other’s success and failures.

Furthermore, all our lives are interdependent and interconnected. Finally, without each other’s love, care and respect we can’t really live an ordinary life. It is like living without oxygen! Therefore, it is not about losing our right but getting proper advice from each other which is healthy, wise, and way forward to successful life!