
Culture tends to play a very important part in our life and sometimes it does blind us, so much so that we are unable to see the true universal value which it represents. That is to respect all, not just those whom you love.

Hate not others but your own anger and before you ask anyone to show respect, honestly, you have to be an honest person yourself. In addition, nowadays, it seems the principle of life is based not on truth but self- centeredness. Expecting others to be good human beings but oneself generating all the evil intentions, anger, jealousy, greed and ignorance. No one can make us good or bad, it is our own poisons that we have that made up the ornaments of our life. There are good practices that culture actually offers us, such as sharing values and upholding of family values. Furthermore, it is not that we don’t know or care but simply our pride and greed that change the true colours of culture and what it represents. Finally, if we enhance the true values of culture, then there is no difference between the cultures of one and another. The entire boundary that our selfishness had built up for centuries will just fall apart then we will all become one beautiful family of the universe. Therefore, respect the true and genuine culture of the human race and what it really represents. Have a wonderful day!