Emptiness is the true nature of all phenomena and no one has ever created emptiness. It is the essence of all. Everything that we see every day

has no essence and if we try to find a solid ground then we may not find it at all, because there is no such thing called an inherent existence. Life goes on every day, and as long as we do not question what we see or feel whether it is real or unreal then things seem to be normal. The moment we question then everything we have believed may fall apart. One may ask how come we can still see and feel things. We cannot simply say that what we have believed and see is not necessarily the truth. For instance, in our dream we may feel that everything is real and when we awake up, there is nothing we can show to anybody. Similarly, what we see and feel does not have a fact and it is simply the work of ignorance. Ignorance makes things which have no essence what so ever. The true benefit of understanding emptiness helps us to be free from attachment and of course not to mention that eventually will lead us to total realization. There are many ways on how to at least understand emptiness. For example, by studying, contemplating and practice or meditation and most importantly to know that such task is not a one or two day practice but long term effort and practice are very important. Written in the plane while flying from Singapore to Taipei. 18/7/12


Sometimes we may wonder why it is so difficult to give up anger and hatred towards others. If such situation occurs, then most likely ego and pride are the main contributor. Unless we address such an issue, we may not find the true solution. Therefore, do not invite ego and pride to judge ourselves and others. Instead we should learn to let ego and pride go! Singapore.17/7/12