Life itself is a struggle for most of us. Yet when we see a sad picture of an innocent boy (picture of a three year old smoking a cigarette), one feels

that before this boy is able to smell success, he has already lost his first battle. The question here is, whom should we blame for his downfall? Have we failed as a society for not doing enough for such an innocent person? Or big multinational companies have to answer for this situation? When we think deeply, either way we have all failed.



When we start to think deep within, we will come to senses about our lives. Every moment of our lives, there are dangers and it is a miracle for us to be able to do things that we dream of in life, because things can go out of control any moment and it is impermanent. Therefore, it is unwise to harm others and put our lives in danger for temporal gains. As long as possible, we should do meaningful things and work towards happiness for ourselves and others.