We are living in a competitive world and we hardly find a suitable time to settle most of our grievances and difficulties with each other. In such situation it makes things worse and not better.

It is always wise to take some effort to go extra miles to resolve issues which may hurt us in near future. It is always better and wise to listen and share each other’s concern and worries because if both start shouting and gossiping about each other that will not bring any solution or harmony. Therefore, in my opinion, it is more meaningful to share thoughts and concern to find a meaningful settlement.

Sometimes we wonder why our problems never end, no matter how hard we may try. Many times we are sure not about the depth of such hurdles and also what really causes such pain. It will be much easier first to recognize the sources and secondly to understand its effects and finally to eradicate completely.


I may not be one of the most concerned citizens of our planet; however, I am very concerned about the health of our only beautiful planet. Every day whenever we turn on the television, what we see is always on war, greed and more lies. One thing that makes us all very sad is that many leaders who claimed to be saver of Mother Nature never seem to learn from the past mistakes and still prefer to go to war than lose face. Moreover, when I hear about the weapons of mass destruction is to protect us, that is the worst lie we can say to our children, families and friends. Therefore, I honestly believed that no one has any right to take away the life of any individual. We should respect the right of all beings. Peace can only be achieved in this world through sharing love, respect and understanding the need of each other and not by war!