Many problems arise when we failed to look through logically but simply just relying too much on assumptions.

It will be wise on our part to investigate or at least be certain that what we say is truthful and has a value. We cannot judge others by how they look or what others say because what is deep inside is something hard to tell, or explain and no one can really see. Therefore, not just simply saying or thinking will prevent us from getting into troubles or will earn respect from others. Boston.19/2/13

We take many things in life for granted. Time and again our own experiences tell us totally different stories. Whatever we own today, there is no guarantee that we will have it tomorrow. We should be thankful to whom we believe or at least believed that we have done something right to be admired. Therefore, whoever we are today does not happen overnight and if we are not careful now, then tomorrow, we will have a different story to tell others. Boston. 16/2/13