It takes a lot of words to explain when we are not truthful to each other.

However, when our hearts are truly open, then words just become meaningless.
It is not always what we say or give that makes the difference but with our intention
and respect it will certainly show the faces of sincerity or falsehood. Thus, it is not about what we say or share but whatever that comes from our hearts that is beautiful and worthwhile to hold. Boston.21/2/13


One of the biggest mistakes that we tend to make is that we always judge others by how we perceive things which is not necessarily the fact. Logically speaking, it is really hard to explain and to be proven by anyone that whatever we think is in fact what others are contemplating and to have such an attitude is our downfall. Moreover, we used to see others and think that they are good or bad according to what we think and such belief is frozen in our mind. As long as we have this fixated belief, then we are not going to see the true pictures of others. To sum up, it is truly hard to judge what others have in their mind and the wisest way is to just respect and move on. Boston 22/2/13