Dear friends,

Please laugh as much as you can because many times our environment does not allow us to do as we wish. After all, we do not have to pay for laughing and it is very enjoyable! It is also a simple way of removing toxic negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, and desire. Moreover, laughing does not cause us stress and it brings joy to both ourselves and others



When we are not part of the problem or issue, and are just an outsider, such situations may sound simple and straight forward even though there may still be a serious concern. When we try to judge a situation based on how it looks but not from every perspective, then we are making a blunder, and may cause serious consequences for all parties. Therefore, in my opinion, we should not jump in and try to explain issues to others without fully understanding them, because such an approach will only make the problem even worse and more complicated. Thus, if we cannot contribute to make things better, then we should stay out of the way rather than making things worst.



If you are finding difficulties to fall asleep at night, then how about reading some books? I have heard from several of my friends and it seems that reading a book may help you to fall asleep.