We may all wish to be successful, famous, and prosperous, yet many of us may not accomplish such goals in our lifetimes.

However, when we start to think deep within, these may be the wishes of many of us, but such achievements don’t necessarily bring us satisfaction or happiness, which are the most important in making our lives more purposeful and meaningful. Thus, we cannot let ourselves be imprisoned by these unrealistic hopes, which may to take away even what we have managed to gain. We should simply be happy instead of comparing ourselves with those who are more successful. Rather, we should be comparing our circumstances with those of the many who are less fortunate than us.


If we let our desires decide what we want and wish for in our lives, then the outcome will be never-ending misery and anxiety, because desire tends to choose everything. Realistically, we cannot afford to keep everything. Thus we have to check and decide what is the priority and needed at this moment. With such an attitude, even in the midst of difficulties, we will still be able to find comfort and happiness in our lives. Therefore, aspire for what is necessary and possible to achieve as a human being and make right effort.