H.E. Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche will begin teaching at Boston again starting next Monday, Oct 13th, from 7:00-8:30pm. Rinpoche in the first class will review

his teaching on the practice of meditation including mindfulness and awareness. Then in the following classes Rinpoche will teach on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol). All are welcome.



H.E. https://www.facebook.com/zurmang.gharwang" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=1843772707">Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche will be teaching with Prof. https://www.facebook.com/Robert.A.F.Thurman" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=13120816841">Robert Thurman in a meditation retreat on what happens at  the moment of death and beyond according to Tibetan Buddhist wisdom. The teachings will draw from Bardo Thodol famously known in English as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. This text is not only about dying, but also treats the different stages of existence: life, death, and the in-between. Classes will emphasize not only theory, but practical methods for living more fully and preparing for death.

For details on how to join the retreat see here: http://menla.org/programs.php?sub=menla_250" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://menla.org/programs.php?sub=menla_250

Here is H.E. Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche's new book A Meditation Manual which is now available on Amazon. See the link below:

http://www.amazon.com/Meditation-Manual-x15A-amath-Tradition-ebook/dp/B00LUTW35U/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1412463751&sr=8-2&keywords=meditation+manual" rel="nofollow nofollow" target=_blank>http://www.amazon.com/Meditation-Manual-x15A-amath-Tradition-ebook/dp/B00LUTW35U/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1412463751&sr=8-2&keywords=meditation+manual