Since very young, we are taught that only wealth, fame and power will secure our future. Based on this belief, we are encouraged to study hard. Once we have

graduated from school, we are expected to work hard and earn lots of money believing that we would eventually be happy. However, in the process we tend to forget a few important things. Firstly, from very young, we experience tremendous pressure due to high expectations which we may or may not notice. Secondly, we miss so many beautiful moments in our lives with family and friends, because we are thinking only about materialistic goals. Finally, even if we go through all these steps, success is never guaranteed and everything in life is impermanent. The day is likely come when we may realize that everything we were hoping for are unrealistic goals and we might wish to go back and enjoy the previous moments of our lives. Obviously we cannot because it is already in the past. Therefore, it is important to realize that life is precious and in order to be happy, we do not have to possess everything. We should simply be contented with who we are and what we have. Most importantly, we must work as hard as we can to make our daily lives more meaningful and happy within ourselves and with others. This is what we called, "The Purpose of Life."




We always tend to think that home is the place where we can all find true love and security. This is what we truly seem to believe and blindly follow. However, when we start to think deep within, it is not the place which makes a difference in our life, but the individuals who care and love and live in this special place. In my opinion, true home is where love and affection exist, and these factors make certain places very special and close to our hearts. Otherwise, a house is just a house we can find everywhere. Therefore, in my opinion, when we get the opportunity to share a precious moment with special people, we should just grasp it because it is hard to come by.