Dear Friends of Zurmang,
Tashi delek from all the Lamas & Rinpoches of Lingdum Monastery in Sikkim.  Starting from 23rd February, 2011, Gharwang Rinpoche's Lingdum Monastery in Sikkim will be conducting nine days of Guru Rinpoche Grand Puja. (Please see the attached)
You are most welcome to participate personally in Lingdum. Or alternatively, you may wish to offer lamp on behalf of your family/sentient beings to Guru Rinpoche & all the Buddhas & noble bodhisattvas to help eliminate the darkness of ignorance that is prevailing in samsara.
Lamp offering for the 9 days Grand Ceremony is S$50 (per individual) and S$88 (per family).
And if you wish to make offerings to all the puja monks ( lamp offerings included) will be S$500.
All participants/sponsors' names will be read and merits dedicated to them and their families.

Please do not hesitate to  email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to participate in the above.