The Annual Grand Mahakala Puja in Lingdum has begun on 21st December and will end on 28 th December 2016 with an Empowerment to be offered by H.E. 12 th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche. Rejoice and with gratitude to all the various sponsors who supported the event. May all be blessed with good health, long life, prosperity and happiness for the coming New Year. May all obstacles be removed and may peace, goodwill and harmony prevail in the world!



 H.E. 12 th Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche gave the Amitayus Empowerment in Lingdum Monastery to welcome the Sikkimese New Year.. May all be blessed with good healthy long life to accomplish our practices for the benefit of one and all.. rejoice!
Happy Losoong to all Sikkimese friends and monks and especially to dear Rinpoche!


The Grand Mahakala Puja has concluded with the burning of the torma signifying all our defilements, negative influences, maras and obstacles are burned with the wisdom fire. To welcome an auspicious, prosperous and more peaceful harmonious New Year! Rejoice!


Mahakala Lama Dance to dispel all obstacles and to welcome an auspicious, prosperous and harmonious New Year 2017


Lamp offering/Hanging of Prayer flags for Grand Mahakala Puja in Lingdum with dedication to sponsors and all members of Zurmang Kagyud! ( includes all sentient beings.



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