Gong Xi Fa Cai! Tashi Delek! 恭喜发财!


Horse year is fast approaching and we are pleased to have special guest lamas with us to celebrate the beginning of the lunar year with prayers to clear our obstacles and increase our merits for the year ahead! We have arranged program as follows and hope you will join us in these auspicious events:

New Year Eve, Thursday 30/1/2014, 9pm
Mahakala Puja  护法法会

New Year Day 1, Friday 31/1/2014, 10am
Auspicious Guru Rinpoche Prayers for Long Life and increasing Wealth 长寿财神法会

New Year Day 2, Saturday 1/2/2014, 10am
Praise to 21 Tara Puja  二十一度母赞诵

New Year Day 3, Sunday 2/2/2014, 3pm
Smoke Offering (to higher realms) Puja  烟供(上共)

Wishing all Dharma brothers and sisters a blessed new year!