Heaven and Hell coexist on this Earth

by Zurmang Gharwang on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 9:59pm

Heaven and Hell coexist on this Earth

If you know where to find it, Heaven is on earth and you just need to believe it, feel it and appreciate it with your open heart! When you close your eyes what you see is darkness, scary, and confusion. The moment you open your eyes, you will see, hope, and courage to move on and see better tomorrow!If you believe in hell then you don’t have to go far, because hell is on this earth.


We don’t blame anyone for consequences in our life; however, we are responsible for the picture that we see in front of us. Our so called leaders failed to learn from their mistakes. There isn't any justification for war because what we will see is just like that little angel being eaten by that vulture. The most powerful weapon is love and kindness. And if you don’t know how to practice for others, then imagine this little angel is your own children then you will see how painful it is even to watch! You don’t have to be genius to understand, just be another human being. Use your common sense, love and just bury your pride and ego and the rest will just take care of itself!

With love