Bardo Teachings Part Four

Among the four emptinesses, appearance dawns first.

The sign of the white path is an appearance

like the dawning of moonlight in a clear sky.

At this time all of the thirty-three thoughts related to anger,

such as detachment, etc., will cease.

It is called "empty" because at this time

the mind is devoid of gross dualistic thoughts.

It is called "appearance" because at this time

the natural radiance of awareness clearly appears.

According to Tipupa,

"The white path of appearance has four characteristics:

It is white like a kunda flower, which only blooms at night.

It is empty like the husk of a plantain tree.

It is all-pervasive like cloud-cover caused by strong wind.

It is bright like a sesame oil lamp."

After that withdraws, the main mind dissolves into the mental factors,

and the extremely empty increased appearance dawns.

The sign of the red path is an appearance like

the dawning of sunlight in a clear sky.

At this time, the forty thoughts related to attachment,

such as desire, attachment, etc., will cease.

It is called "extremely empty" since at this time,

the mind is devoid of even more dualistic thoughts.

It is called "increased appearance" because there is an increase

in the luminosity of the mind even more than before.

According to Tipupa,
"The red path of appearance has four characteristics:

It is red like a lac dye.

It is empty like a mirage in midair.

It is all-pervasive like radiant sunlight.

It is translucent like the bindhukara flower."

After that withdraws, the mental factors dissolve into ignorance,

and the great emptiness of the near-attainment appearance dawns.

At that time, the sign of the black path is an appearance

like the pervasive darkness of a clear nighttime sky.

At that time, even mindfulness leaves your experience,

and the seven thoughts related to ignorance, such as equanimity, etc., will cease.

It is called "great emptiness" since at this time

the mind is devoid of even subtle dualistic thoughts.

It is called "near-attainment appearance" because at this stage

one nearly attains the cessation of thoughts.

According to Tipupa,
"The black path of near-attainment has four characteristics:

It is black like a sky-colored gem.

It is empty like space free from obstruction.

It is all-pervasive like the darkness of nighttime.

It is clear like the openness of space."

Then, ignorance dissolves into luminosity.

One will lose consciousness, fall into the darkness of oblivion, and then reawaken.

The luminosity called "total emptiness" will then dawn,

which is like the actual color of the sky at daybreak

when it is free from the sun, the moon, and darkness.

This is the actual luminosity.

It is called "total emptiness" since it is devoid of

even the habitual tendencies for subtle dualistic thoughts.

It is called "objectless luminosity"

since at this time the natural luminosity of the mind

is unsullied by any obscurations or fabricated attributes.

According to Tipupa,

"Luminosity has four characteristics:

It is the disappearance of all forms like salt dissolving into water.

Its essence is without a reference object,

like a sky in which there is nothing to see.

It has the autonomous power to realize attainments,

like a fine horse that can carry you anywhere.

It fulfills all wishes and needs,

like a garuda which returns with everything to its abode."